On September 5th, members, family and friends of the band's founding member Larry Coleman spent a festive afternoon participating in an interactive zoom 90th birthday celebration for our founder and Pipe Major Emeritus. The zoom session was hosted by Tina Yap with an able assist from Tracy Burnham. Friends and family signed on throughout the afternoon to help Larry celebrate this milestone. Friends from all over the world (yes, even Robert Watt checked in from Ireland) joined in to wish Larry a happy birthday and share a toast with Larry (also assisted by Tina). Suffice to say there were a few drams of scotch consumed wishing Larry well. All participants were invited to share a special story or memory with Larry during the afternoon. Of course the time flew by and Larry thanked everyone for their birthday wishes. Larry truly started a group that after 35 years has truly evolved into a close knit family. God bless you Larry and accept our warmest wishes for continued happiness.